Fountain of Youth Substitutes!
Ponce de Leon’s pursuits pinpointed!
Whether you want to feel younger, look younger, act younger, or live longer, here are some tips that will help you BE younger...longer.
My wife and I are older than we look. We are constantly being told we look up to 20 years younger than we actually are. In fact, the other day, someone told my wife that she looks 40 years younger than she actually is! Alright, so it was a 10 year old, but still. How do we keep our youthful mien? I’ll tell you! |
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1- Don’t Act Your Age.
In my marriage, one of us is younger than the other by quite a few years. I truly believe that the younger one of us helps the other to look and feel young because of the way we act. We are still kids at heart.
2- Don’t Worry.
And I mean literally, don’t worry. Worrying gets your insides all bunched up and it takes a toll on your don’t smile enough, you get worry lines in your face, and your body is in constant “fight or flight” mode - which is O.K in small doses, but not all the time.
3- Health and Hygiene.
I am NOT going to say anything about diet and exercise here, because I am not the best at either one of those. HOWEVER, you DO need to get outside. Get some fresh air and sunshine (not too much sunshine...too much sunshine will age you faster than a snail surfing a sound wave). Plus, you should do everything you can to look your best; shave, brush your teeth (VERY important), do your hair, bathe/shower often. CARE about your cleanliness.
4- Fake it with Fashion.
This means two things. Dress younger than you actually are...not TOO much younger, but enough that you can FEEL younger...and use products that will make you more youthful looking. I admit that I dye my hair. BUT, I only dye it the color that it was while I was growing up. My wife uses lotions and creams all over her skin and she looks and feels (both in her heart AND to the touch) soft and young.
5- Be Happy/Have Fun/Laugh a Lot!
If you are always serious, you are going to age quickly. If you are not doing things that you love to do, you are going to age quickly. If you are not laughing enough in your life, you are going to age quickly.Find a hobby that makes you feel excited about your life. Spend time with loved ones. Every once in while, peruse positive publications instead of handling heavy-hearted hardbacks. Commune with God - nature, the universe...what-ever you want to call it, commune with it. This gives you peace...very imperative in anti-aging!
There you go...five ways to look, act, feel, and be younger.
Ponce would be proud!!
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