I have been a performer most of my life...there have been many times when I was introduced as the “Happiest Man in the World,” not from any coaching of my own, but from their own observations of me. In fact, the first time I was introduced that way, it caught me off guard and it made me think... ...and think... ...and think. |
I AM a happy person. How did I get that way? Have I been that way all of my life? Why was this declaration such an epiphany for me? I started looking closely at my life. I looked at the events, the moments, and the circumstances that made me who I am. After deliberating and researching, it occurred to me that there were four different parts of a person’s life that have to be in play in order for that person to be totally happy. Of course, at first, when I was labeling them, they did not all start with the letter “L.”
One day, though, it hit me, like a ton of bricks (see the section on Light), that I could classify each portion of the happiness “pie” into 4 L words...
Love, Life, Light, and Laughter.
What a revelation!! It was so powerful to me that I cried. I cried because I knew I had a new mission to perform and I had a great responsibility to help others. So the tears were both tears of joy and tears of wonder. I HAD to let other people know how to be truly, honest-to-goodness, 100% HAPPY!!
No one is going to believe that you can be 100% happy.
How about this instead...I will teach you how to be 18.3% happier than you are now! Then we'll build on that!
Some sites might try to convince you that all it takes is one thing here or one thing there in order achieve happiness. But if you read on, you will see that you need to master four different areas in order to realize constant utter amazement in your life. Even if you are having a bad day, week, or year; if you can perfect your life in the areas of |
I know it's true...'cause that's what they call me...and there is always room for more than one person to be the "happiest person in the world."
(If you don't think there is room for more than one, then you are not there yet)
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