How do you save someone's life?
Is there a manual?
No, but there's a gift!
What was the best gift anyone ever gave you?
Imagine yourself standing with me in a hallway at a small business convention…the hustle and bustle associated with a break between classes…cell phones beeping, people mingling, and coffee and pastries in the corner. Vivian, a company owner approaches me with an amazing looking bag. “S., I know you are a balloon artist and this bag would be a dream come true for any balloon artist. It has lots of pockets, it’s made from a material that breaths, it’s strong and sturdy, and it will last for many, many years. I hand-made this bag for you and I have to give it to you as a gift…”
I stood there stunned…I had no idea what I had done to deserve this.
![]() The AWESOME Balloon Bag! |
“S., I know you are a balloon artist and this bag would be a dream come true for any balloon artist. It has lots of pockets, it’s made from a material that breaths, it’s strong and sturdy, and it will last for many, many years. I hand-made this bag for you and I have to give it to you as a gift…” I stood there stunned…I had no idea what I had done to deserve this. |
Would YOU like a gift?
Too late…you already have one!
Do you KNOW what your gift is?
I discovered my gift at a young age. Do you remember the class clown from your school? That was me. I could make everybody laugh…even the teachers.
I have a brother who we call, “the peacemaker…” that is his gift.
My mom has the gift of giving gifts. It doesn’t matter what the occasion is, if you get a present from my mom, it is creative, long lasting, and forever memorable.
I have a friend who is so friendly, sociable, and likable, that everybody who knows him thinks that he and they are “best friends.”
How do I know this?
Because he’s my best friend.
I know a lady who, when you walk into a room where she is, you feel like you’re in the presence of an angel…and then when she smiles, you could swear you’re in heaven. O.K., yes, that’s my wife, but O.K., yes, that’s her gift.
YOU have a gift. You may not even realize that you have a gift because it comes so naturally to you. But if you think diligently about what I am saying, you KNOW what your gift is.
There’s the gift of music.
There’s the gift of food.
There’s the gift of sports.
There’s the gift of engineering.
There’s the gift of beauty.
Whatever your gift is, discover it, understand it, then USE it!!
I had discovered my gift, but I didn’t really understand it’s worth until the day I received “the bag”…
“I hand-made this bag for you and I have to give it to you as a gift…because of your gift. You prevented my son, Justin, from committing suicide.” What?! I hadn’t talked Justin down from a ledge…I hadn’t convinced him to put the gun away…I hadn’t even answered a hotline…in fact, I’m not exactly sure what it is that I did. What I DID do is, every time I saw him, I would say, “Hey, how’s it goin’?”…I’d joke around with him a bit, and just be myself. But he told his mom that he was planning on committing suicide until I came along. She told me, with tears in her eyes, that she was giving me this gift (the bag) because of my gift. |
![]() The Balloon Bag
This experience made me realize that I have a gift that is powerful enough to save a person’s life!!
Man!! That was heavy…that IS heavy! The significance of it is still overwhelming to me.
There’s a Spiderman quote that says, “WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY!” I experienced that quote even BEFORE I heard it…
You can imagine the conversation I had in my head…
(Frustrated)”Oh, man!”
”What is it, S.?”
”Well S., now I have to grow up!”
“Wait a minute, no I don’t.”
“I don’t?”
“No, the reason I have this gift is because I HAVEN’T grown up!”
“Oh, right, cool…well, this is still too big…I have to do something!”
“I know, I’ll write a personal mission statement and live by it every day.”
“Groovy, here it is…to share the 4 Ls (love, life, light, and laughter) with everybody that I meet.”
What is YOUR personal mission statement?
If your gift is intelligence, will you share your knowledge and mentoring?
If your gift is abundance, will you “give a man a fish” or even better “teach a man HOW to fish?”
If your gift is organization, will you create a bag that will improve a balloon artist’s life?
You’ve got to share your gift with as many people as you can.
Because “what if you don’t?” That’s why!
The balloon bag that Vivian gave to me was a great gift. But that day she gave me an even GREATER gift: The gift of knowing how important my gift is!
YOU have a gift!! It IS important!
Use your gift for good…because when you do, you just may be saving somebody's life!
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